Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Hold fast to that which grounds you in times of trials. You can then allow your life to transform, re-form around you.

In times of uncertainty, find one thing that is certain and make that your foundation, your rock upon which to stand, your tree that holds you steady.
Be it your faith, your family, an ideal--whatever represents stability to you.
Hold fast to that which is certain and allow the rest of your life to realign
into the new.

If you have something to hold on to in these rapidly changing times, you allow the change to happen without fear & without interference.

Stand strong in the current. Hold fast to the tree. Ride out the storm.
Allow your life to become what you desire it to become.

Be one within yourself & all else falls into place.

Be present in the moment. Great things can only happen in the now.

Cherish your existence and your newness as the universe cherishes you.

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